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Park Ave Inn

Park Ave Inn is a non-congregate transitional housing program that operates under a Housing First model, serving individuals who have previously experienced homelessness. Our program prioritizes a supportive environment and focuses on helping residents regain stability. Referrals are drawn from a waitlist in the order they are received, ensuring a fair and organized process. We provide three meals daily and collaborate with residents on integrated case management to develop individualized service plans, ultimately aiming to connect them with long-term housing and support. The program is structured to operate in six-month intervals, contingent on resident engagement, with a maximum duration of two years. Embracing a low-barrier and harm reduction approach, we strive to meet each resident where they are in their journey. All residents are required to meet with supportive service staff—either case management or behavioral health—at least twice a month. Once a name is selected from the waitlist, a program interview will be conducted via phone to address any questions the potential resident may have about the program.


Ruth Goebel House

Ruth Goebel House is a smaller transitional housing program for women and gender minorities and endorses a mental health or substance use concern. Does not need to be diagnosed. Must be currently experiencing homelessness. Questions? 
  • Referrals are added to a waitlist, and will be reached out to in the order in which they were referred. 

VA GPD Housing Programs

(For Veterans Only): CCH collaborates with the VA to provide a spectrum of community based transitional housing programs. By selecting this option, we will reach out to you to discuss the various program options as well as which program may be best for your client. Meals are provided in all program types with the exception of TIP. Questions?
  • Low Demand: Program targets veterans experiencing chronic homelessness, as well as those with mental health or substance use concerns. Provides supportive housing and utilizes harm reduction principles. Veterans work with their assigned Case Manager to find permanent housing, increase income and access to benefits, and build life skills.
  • Bridge: Temporary housing option for veterans who have secured a housing voucher, but need a place to stay before their permanent housing is actualized - Typical length of stay is 90 days.
  • SITH (Service Intensive Transitional Housing): Similar to "Low Demand."  What makes this program unique is that if the Veteran is struggling with substance, the expectation is that they will seek some form of treatment to address their addiction. Along with this the program works with the Veteran to increase income and assist them in obtaining permanent housing.
  • TIP (Transition in Place): This program is designed to support Veterans who have an income that enables them to obtain their own apartment unit. They are placed in their unit and the Coalition maintains a master lease and pays the deposit. The expectation is that within 6 months to a year, the Veteran will take over the lease. They are supported in making sure their income is sufficient or if it needs to grow. The team works with them to develop a budget and be set up for success in maintaining their apartment unit.
Please use this form for submissions to all Transitional Housing Programs.